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Submit Your Agreement/COI Form Checklist

  1. First fill out your disclosure slide before completing the electronic agreement form.
  2. Fill out the agreement form, and upload your disclosure slide. The COI form includes your ASM registration.
  3. Submit a short speaker biography (2-3 sentences for introduction purposes) within your COI form.
  4. Agree to the Speaker Release for Video and Audio Recording.

We appreciate your involvement and hard work in order to make this a successful event!

To assist you with preparation, please review the details below.


In order to comply with important accreditation standards set out by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, all presenters must complete or note the following:

  1. Your disclosure slide must be used when preparing your presentation, and declarations must be verbalized at the start of your presentation.
  2. A minimum of 25% of your presentation must be interactive.
  3. Generic, rather than trade names, must be used in presentations.
  4. Branding or sponsor logos are not allowed in presentation slides.
  5. It is important to write references on slides and incorporate evidence if possible. 
  6. Include discussion of commonly encountered barriers to practice change.
  7. Speakers must comply with the Rx&D Code of Ethical Practices.
  8. Speakers must comply with the The Canadian Medical Association’s (CMA’s) policy guidelines on physicians’ interactions with industry.
  9. Speakers must comply with the Quebec Code of Ethics.

    Audio Visual

    Each session room is equipped with the following:

    • Screen
    • Projector
    • Laptop
    • Podium + mic
    • Table with 2 mics
    • Slide aspect ratio is 16:9 for PowerPoint presentations

    Please contact Danielle Poissant if you will be using your own computer for your presentation.

    PowerPoint Presentations

    You are responsible for bringing your final presentation on a USB (PowerPoint format). There will be a technician in the room where you are scheduled to speak that will assist in loading your presentation. Please be sure to visit the technician during the break prior to your presentation. If you will be using video and/or sound in your presentation, please alert the AV tech in the meeting room when you provide your presentation. Do not forget to include the required disclosures slide at the beginning of your session. Declarations must be verbalized at the start of your presentation. 

    Please send a final copy of your presentation as a pdf to events@secretariatcentral.com after the ASM.

    Speaker PowerPoint presentations will be made available to delegates as a PDF in a password protected area of the OOA website after the conference. If you do not wish to have your presentation shared as a PDF post-conference, you must opt out by emailing events@secretariatcentral.com - more importantly, please also let your audience know this during your presentation! Some delegates may be very interested in receiving the information after and are often disappointed to know it isn’t available. 


    The OOA does not print handouts for speakers. If you wish to distribute handouts during your session, please print and bring them.


    Ontario Orthopaedic Association

    20 Crown Steel Drive, Unit 6, Markham, ON L3R 9X9

    (289) 846-5381 Ext. 222 & 224 | 1-855-415-3917

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